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Water Line Flushing August 17, 2023

The Town of Georgetown Public Works Department will be completing water line flushing of the Town's water system August 17, 2023. Areas affected will be around Briley Way and Finley Avenue, and East Laurel Street and North Railroad Avenue. Routine water line flushing is necessary to remove the build-up of scale, rust and silt from the water line which can cause customers to experience discolored water. Residents are encouraged not to park across from or within fifteen (15) feet of fire hydrants to ensure flushing can be completed as quickly and efficiently as possible. Residents who experience discolored water during the flushing program can alleviate the issue by running a single cold water faucet (preferably an outside faucet) for a few moments, which in most cases clears the water in the service line to the home. Additionally, we recommend residents not do laundry at the beginning of the day and wait until the water has cleared, as the particles may discolor clothing. Residents who inadvertently use discolored water in their washing machine can reverse the affects by rewashing and using Iron Out, Rover, or other similar products available at grocery and hardware stores.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact the Town Administrative Offices at (302) 856-7391.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause our customers and we thank you for your patience and understanding while we perform the necessary maintenance.